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Maximising Delivery Performance

In this modern era of the internet retailer it is fair to say that buying and selling goods has never been easier.  So, why isn’t it just as easy to ship goods to consumers?

One of the problems with the opportunities the internet affords us is that internet retailer very seldom sell one product, or even similar products.  The birth of Amazon means that other e-tailers have to sell varied product to meet the expectations of the modern consumer.  Mixed product inventory means a mixed freight profile and there lies the problem.

Can one carrier deliver all products that the retailers are marketing?  Not in most cases.

E-tailers are increasingly having to develop their skillset to logistics management and supplier management whereas their core skillset should be and always will be sales and marketing.

It’s taken me 20 years to develop my logistics expertise, which benefits my clients – Diamond Logistics franchisees and our collective client base.  It’s all about using the right logistics providers for the appropriate freight.

So, here are 3 of my top tips;

Know your audience

Are you looking to sell to consumers or businesses?  There are specialist providers for both spectrums.

Get all over your facts and figures

Know what your average order value is and choose the appropriate carrier for the delivery of each of your products.  If you have a premium product, choose a premium carrier – but do expect to pay a premium price.

Know what your average number of items per shipment is – there are different pricing strategies at play within the express parcel sector, which can save you money!

Know your average weights or sizes– some carriers will surcharge heavy weight shipments.

Know your geography

Where are your customers?  Different carriers charge differently for certain areas of Britain, Europe and the rest of the world and not all carriers do this in the same way.

The real challenge is in the selection of your carrier partner.  Choose one provider that broadly fits and you’ll get some nasty surprises along the way.  Choose multiple providers and play to their strengths and you will achieve the service but lose the weight of buying power.

Either way, it’s constantly changing.  Carriers have varied focus throughout the year and you need to keep your ear close to the ground.  The same goes for service – it’s a logistical rollercoaster!

There is another way though, you can outsource all of the decision making to a trusted advisor, one that knows the trends, specialism and commercials.

What to know more?  Get in touch.


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Diamond Logistics is part of The Diamond Logistics and Technology Group.  

A group of companies that work together to deliver a unique mix of people, technology and logistics that allows them to excel at delivery and fulfilment solutions for UK and international clients. Click on the logos below to visit the other websites.